Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Open University

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Open University

Wild Life Video

Department of Language Studies OUSL


 Language Studies Department of the Open University offers a total of 15 programmes to approximately 8,000 students. The Department specializes in offering programmes in Applied Linguistics, Teaching of Languages and Literature and English Language Teaching. Many of our programmes are available through a network of 25 OUSL centers.

There are two types of courses offered by Language Studies; those available to the general public and those available only to students registered for other programmes in the University such as the B.Sc, LLB, B.Tech, etc.

Students enrolling for a programme at the Department of Language Studies are required to sit for either a Placement/ Exemption Test or an Entry Test. The Placement Test is to grade students according to their proficiency in English so maximum benefit from the course can be gained, while the Entry Test is conducted only for the higher level programmes for the purpose of selection.